First crypto TV ad campaign ever is driving increased traffic to AnyTask and Electroneum

Electroneum CEO and Founder Richard Ells delivers a message to 4.1 million registered users explaining the importance AnyTask has for Electroneum adoption

Olivier Acuña
4 min readJan 11, 2021


This 4 January saw the launch of Electroneum’s massive US AnyTask TV ad campaign that has seen some minor disruptions due to the unprecedented events that unraveled in the United States as it’s Congress convened 6 January to certify Joe Biden’s presidential electoral victory.

“AnyTask TV adverts are now airing live in the United States, appearing across several prominent television networks, including CNBC, ESPN, MTV, Fox Business, BBC Worldwide, and several others,” said Head of Marketing Cathy Jenkins.

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“This is not only momentous for AnyTask but the Electroneum project, becoming the very first crypto start-up to feature prominently on live TV in the United States,” she added. “The advert is to gain business from those already using freelance services such as Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer. And more importantly, it will help drive further ETN adoption.”



Olivier Acuña

I’ve been a journalist for 35 years. Been in crypto since May 2018.